The Heartscaping Project

It's time to move inwards to redesign success on your own terms, discover your true self and create the purposeful and abundant life you came here for.

Some people believe that you can manifest your dream life by simply wishing and dreaming it into being...
Maybe you tried that but didn't get the result you hoped for.    

Maybe you're feeling so frustrated and confused that you're thinking it's just not meant to be...

   Stuck and overwhelmed,  you know that something has to change but you're unsure how and where to start...    

It's not you, and you're not alone.

   Many people feel this way but don't dare to admit it, 
even to themselves.

Does this sound familiar...

You've tried ticking all the boxes of external validation but you're exhausted, overwhelmed... and still unfulfilled.

Even though you get inspired, your inner critic won't shut up so you second guess yourself constantly.

You can get hyped up and organised but then get stuck in anxiety and procrastination.

You feel successful in some ways but something is missing and you can't quite seem to put your finger on it

You're tired of these physical symptoms that your practitioners can't explain but you know are a sign that something is out of alignment

You want to understand yourself on a deeper level and make sense of what you perceive without being able to articulate clearly

You want to learn to love and trust yourself and prioritise self care, but you're not sure how to make to work within your already jam-packed schedule...

You know the answers are within but you're scared of what else is there.

Well, you're in the right place.


This 6 month private 1:1 mentorship is for high-performing women who want to beat burn-out, align with their purpose and move fearlessly towards their big heart-led vision.

This 1:1 guided journey of conscious self-discovery, empowered creativity and inner transformation, will lead you to...

Understand how to honour and harness the natural cycles of your life, nature and the planetary alignments for more ease and flow

Soften your resistance, fears and perceived flaws to reveal the truth and magic that lies beneath

Clear a path towards the life you desire with a strategy to embody more of your truth every step of the way

Learn how to master your inner state so that you can make the most of every experience and have more capacity for abundance

Develop a toolkit of powerful practices and rituals that feel good, sustainable and authentic to you

Connect deeply with your Soul to access and trust your intuition

Ignite your confidence, inner strength and unique abilities

🌹 🌹 🌹 🌹


Does this resonnate...

 ✨ you believe in doing life and business differently and taking responsibility for how you show up in the world…  

  ✨ you are ready to kick past limitations to the curb, ditch anxiety and self doubt, make imposter syndrome and fear of success a distant memory…  

  ✨ you are willing to expand to your next level of abundance and self trust while committing to your true purpose and potential…  

  ✨ you’re prepared to claim the life you desire and drive the change you want to see in this world…  

Are you feeling these as a YES in your body?

Then, you’re my kind of awesome and I can’t wait to be of service to you.    

What's included : 

Fortnightly 60min deep dive sessions
exploring your inner world, personal challenges and opportunities

Personalised resources 
to integrate change into your daily life and rewire your subconscious

Bespoke rituals
to develop your intuition and self care

A deep dive into your Human Design
to discover your energetic blueprint  and uniqueness

Voxer (voice messaging) access
to receive bespoke support when needed

A luxurious self care package
providing the tools and natural remedies to support your mind, body and spirit

“You need Cha in your life, its simple. Thank you for everything Cha you are a gift for the world and I'm so grateful to have met you.”

Monica Beazley
Founder, Monarch Leadership

"Cha gets to the root of what's really happening for you and why. I can't think of anyone I'd would rather have supporting me.”

Cat Skreiner
Human Design Expert, Cat Skreiner

"Working with Cha, I was blown away with the shift it made for me personally and professionally. And I'm not easily impressed!"

Elsa Mitchell,
Director, Elsa Mitchell Consulting

   You're probably wondering HOW it all works... So let me go deeper.

Your inner world may seem unfamiliar because you have spent your life focusing on the outer experience. But all that you know to be "true" is generated by your internal perspective.  

Your thoughts stem from your beliefs... and your beliefs are deeply rooted in your subconscious. Your subconscious mind is the invisible realm that shapes every experience, behaviour and perception.  

I know that you may grasp the concept on an intellectual level... but here's where I come in with expertise... and a sprinkle of magic:  

I'm here to guide you to explore your inner world with compassionate curiosity, gift you powerful insights and translate your discoveries into tangible steps to integrate change in a sustainable way.

As your consciousness expands through self awareness and with grounded guidance, you will take ownership of your experience and the powerful creative energy that is manifesting your reality within a field of limitless possibility.

If you want a long-term solution,
stop looking for a quick fix.

I'm Cha Higginson,  The Soul Strategist.

Transformational Hypnotherapist, Integrated Shaman & Spiritual Mentor.  

I help awakening entrepreneurs and visionary leaders find their true path, expand to their next level of abundance and fully commit to their Soul mission with ease and confidence.

I do not fit the stereotype often associated with my industry. I do the Spiritual stuff, without the fluff.

My super power is finding the essence in things. This enables me to see into your Soul and speak straight to your Heart, leading unconsciousness into awareness.  

 I'm not here to waste anyone's time, and neither are you. If you want to get out of your own way and step into your purpose, I've got you.

Sustainable growth requires time, awareness and support.

Your life's vision is a project worthy of your focus.

is designed to guide you into

🌹 Awareness to recognise the patterns that have been playing out in your life

🌹 Freedom to craft your own empowered rules

🌹 Playfulness to discover practices and trial different rituals

🌹Structure to communicate and set empowered boundaries

🌹 Confidence to stand in your truth unapologetically

🌹 Support to embody your new reality on a cellular level

🌹 Clarity to plan out what you truly desire in life

🌹 Connection to remember that you belong, just as you are

Come on an adventure with me.

Let's transform
your life from the inside out.


Private 1:1 Program (Fortnightly Plan)

12 payments of

$444 AUD

every 2 weeks


Private 1:1 Program (Monthly Plan)

6 payments of

$888 AUD

per month


Pay in full - 6 months

$5000 AUD


It's time to stop hiding and show your true self

The world needs your unique brilliance.