Internal Landscape Intuitive Reading

Receive personalised Soul guidance for clarity and alignment

If you are overwhelmed with the many directions you could take right now,

If you are finding it challenging to get clarity on where to focus your energy

If you are seeking to trust yourself on a deeper level and find courage to lean into the unknown,

You're in the right place.

Our inner landscape is a busy place,

Although we are consistently guided in the direction of our highest alignment,

It can be confusing to go this journey alone.

I'm here to help you cut through. the noise and be confident in deciding where to focus your attention to get the results that you desire and deserve.

 In this intuitive reading, I will help you  

✨ make sense of what you are experiencing

✨ understand how to move through it with efficiency and grace,

✨how to access your inner courage and innate skills  

I believe in you.
I'm here to bring a different perspective to your awareness and help shine light on the unconscious patterns that are shadowing your potential.

Your Personalised Reading

Intuitive reading (video + written report)

$111 AUD


Jenna May

Entrepreneur and Mother

Cha has helped me gain clarity on where to focus my energy and how to make sense of my anxious feelings.

I am so grateful for her compassionate insights that made so much sense and gave me confidence to move forwards and trust in my decisions.

Within 4 days of your purchase, you will receive:

A personalised intuitive reading that maps out what is most present in your internal landscape at this point in time.

This reading includes:

+ a personalised video recording of your reading
+ a written report including action steps and channelled guidance  


✨Discover the wound that is calling for your attention and how it is manifesting in your life

 ✨What unconscious patterns are playing out in your life and contributing to your challenge  

✨ How you need to show up for your inner world and what actions steps will be most beneficial for your healing right now  

✨The potential that lies beneath this challenge and what you can expect from doing the inner work    

Cha Higginson

I'm Cha, Holistic Healer, Mindset Magician, Heart Whisperer and your new bestie!

I help awakening individuals, heart-entered entrepreneurs and visionary leaders find their true path, expand tp their next level of abundance and fully commit to their soul mission with ease and confidence.

I do not fit the stereotype often associated with my industry. I do the Spiritual stuff, but without the fluff.

My super power is finding the essence in things. This enables me to see into your Soul and speak straight to your Heart, leading unconsciousness into awareness.

I help you collaborate with your mind in order to access the deeper knowing of your Intuition.

I am an experienced Hypnotherapist, Shamanic Healer and Conscious Leadership Mentor. What drives me more than anything is helping you access your brilliance, that unique potential and passion that lies deep within you. I do this in a mystical yet practical way.

If you seek to get out off your own way and make the most of this one precious life, you're in the right place!

Your Personalised Reading

Intuitive reading (video + written report)

$111 AUD