Calm + Connected

Get out of your head and into your heart

Picture this…  you wake up, take a few deep breaths and smile at the day ahead.

  You are calm, yet energised, you have a plan but know that you can handle whatever comes your way.  

You have access to a well of inner peace  You have a solid yet flexible routine of self-care  

You nurture a loving and connected relationship with your family  

You welcome mornings with laughs, smiles and warm hugs and allow this same energy to flow through your day. taking everything in your stride...  

And when life happens...because life will, inevitably happen... you know exactly how to reconnect consciously and come home to yourself.

Deep down, we innately know that all the things we strive for : love, happiness, inner peace, abundance…   t
hey are all an inside job!  

And I'm here to help your build the foundation for the life you were always meant to live...  

Where you are in alignment and in the driver's seat of your experience...  

No more waiting for the outside world to dictate how your day is going to be,  

You are the one who dictates your own internal  state,  

You can respond consciously to the world around you   and live your best life, on your own terms.  

How does that sound, my love?  

This is for you if   You want to feel calm but your life is busy and your mind is scattered  

All your days seem to be the same endless and uninspiring cycle  

You are tired of juggling “all the things” and feeling rushed all the time  

You want to reconnect with who you really are and enjoy all that life has to offer with less frustration

You and I both know that we cannot pour from an empty cup... unfortunately I had to learn that the hard way... maybe you have too?

These days, it's my absolute pleasure to share all the best, most effective ways I have learnt, explored and taught to fill and keep our cups full...

Your family needs you, heck, the whole world needs you, to be the joyful and ultimate version of you... and you deserve to live your best life, don't you think?


▽ learn how to effectively carve out time to prioritise YOU

▽ discover the most effective techniques to create calm in your mind +body

▽ get to know and LOVE the real you!

▽ Integrate practical mindfulness into your everyday life for sustainable change

What's inside:

 Every week, receive
+ supportive, bite-size mindset trainings,  
+ gentle breath-work exercises  
+ healing meditations to help you truly integrate intentional living  
+ journaling prompts  
+ accountability and support  (and come back any time you need a refresher!)

Cha Higginson

I'm Cha, Holistic Healer, Mindset Magician, Heart Whisperer and your new bestie!

I help awakening individuals, heart-entered entrepreneurs and visionary leaders find their true path, expand tp their next level of abundance and fully commit to their soul mission with ease and confidence.

I do not fit the stereotype often associated with my industry. I do the Spiritual stuff, but without the fluff.

My super power is finding the essence in things. This enables me to see into your Soul and speak straight to your Heart, leading unconsciousness into awareness.

I help you collaborate with your mind in order to access the deeper knowing of your Intuition.

I am an experienced Hypnotherapist, Shamanic Healer and Conscious Leadership Mentor. What drives me more than anything is helping you access your brilliance, that unique potential and passion that lies deep within you. I do this in a mystical yet practical way.

If you seek to get out off your own way and make the most of this one precious life, you're in the right place!


Entrepreneur & Mother of 2

"I have much more clarity around the things that trigger my stress and overwhelm, and I'm much more easi"I have much more clarity around the things that trigger my stress and overwhelm, and I'm much more easily able to view them rationally. There has been a noticeable shift in many areas of my wellbeing."

Course Pricing

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$111 AUD